
I’m not new to blogging, I made my first blog in 2013 and have been consistent ( only occasionally cut off) since 2013 – though I was never comfortable in sharing my blog with friends and family except for the ones at home. I have been writing consistently for publications, national and a few international later on but in the ‘blog-situation’ the unknown, across continents and exchanging ideas and life with minds that connected …was/is beautiful – and that was enough.

This new blog that I’m ready to share with anyone and everyone comes out of a certain urgency: to trace and collect pieces, madness, joy and the dilemmas of art around me – to question ‘is there anything that is not art?’ – specially in the South Asian context and global if I’m somewhere else. I’m a contemporary visual artist based in Lahore, Pakistan who was followed by research like an obsessed lover in running shoes – so obviously I gave in – and research has become the ‘curious-cat-nine-lives’ core of my practice… it gives roads and digs holes to/for my curiosity.

I am currently a lecturer at The National College of Arts, Lahore in the department of Cultural Studies, teaching both Mphil and undergraduate courses. I’ve been a practitioner since 2006 but intentionally and fortunately not lobbied – I stand for alternate spaces, fluctuating contexts and an independent, eclectic voice: polite, indifferent, concerned and dangerously courageous.


9 thoughts on “About

  1. I love your clear definition of what you stand for!! You said, “I stand for alternate spaces, fluctuating contexts and an independent, eclectic voice: polite, indifferent, concerned and dangerously courageous.” It made me wonder if I could so succinctly and clearly state what I stand for. I know off the top of my head that I can unequivocally say “I stand for peace, love, honesty, kindness, shared joy, integrity: the teachings of Jesus Christ.” Your stand for “indifferent” is an interesting concept. Is “unbiased” another way of saying that?

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    1. Thank youu so much. What you stand for are pretty much the core of all life and existence.. I stand for those too.. Definitely I do.. And thank you for sharing your world and heart. As per my clear definition to tell you the truth I was surprised too when I wrote this – in the past 12 years.. Of art practice.. I’d always seen myself bold and courageous but not rude and impatient.. The world today mixes/confuses ‘strength with anger’ strength and conviction is another ball game altogether.. Its found in all the things ‘you’ stand for.. – so yes my clarity now.. On the things I stand for as a creative practitioner.. Are exactly what I am.. And what I believe in.. 🙂

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